Weak Soils in Civil Engineering and Soil Improvement Methods
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Clays, soil improvement, stabilizatıon, literatures, researchesAbstract
In this article, focuses on weak soils and soil all previous studies on weak soils and soil improvements in civil engineering. For this purpose all academic studies conducted in the past were scanned, relevant ones were compiled and it was tried to understand how to determine the most appropriate and most efficient method in improvement. The weakest feature of the soils reveals itself in its bearing capacity. İt is understood from the increase of academic studies publıshed in resent years that different additives are added to these weak soıls under laboratory conditions and there is a search improving the geotechnical parameters of this soıls. It has been understood that the addition of fly ash to a weak and clayey ground and keeping this ground in the appropriate curing time is an effective method for soil improvement since it increases the bearing capacity of the weak ground, and this additive material can give the highest strength by keeping it for the most appropriate curing time. In addition, it has been revealed by experimental studies that the addition of different additives (cement, polymer, garbage water) in appropriate proportions on a sandy or silty weak ground increases the strength of the soil and its resistance to fluidity. Likewise, subjecting a weak ground to consolidation by compressing it with the optimum water content by the compaction method will result in a decrease in the void ratio and naturally increase in the bearing power. The results obtained as a result of all these experimental applications should be evaluated among the soil improvement methods. For this reason based on the soıl improvement methods in all this studies, a remerkable and aplıcable comon starting poınt was trıed to be determined under the tıtle of this article and the methods in the literature studies were associated with the suggestıon from this article.
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