Writing Guidelines

A.General Information

Thank you for deciding to submit your article to MAS Journal of Applied Sciences. The journal welcomes submissions of articles of interest and high scientific quality. Authors should check the "Reviewer and Editor's Guide" very carefully before submitting their articles. The instructions given here will ensure that the evaluation process (referee, publication, etc.) of your article can proceed smoothly. Make sure that your article is prepared and submitted in accordance with the journal rules.

Submitted articles will first be checked for compliance with the journal's subjects and rules. Manuscripts that do not comply with the required format will be returned for correction. Manuscripts outside the scope of the journal will be rejected.

All authors whose names appear in the article must sign the Copyright Release Agreement for the MAS Journal of Applied Sciences and upload it to the system. A maximum of two (2) works of an author may be published as the first name in the same issue. An author can publish a total of six (6) works in a year.


Aim & Scope

MAS Journal of Applied Sciences (MAS JAPS) is a scientific journal that has adopted the principle of publishing the latest contributions of national and international researchers to science and technology. The aims of the journal are to provide a digital environment that will enable the open access publication of the latest developments, innovations and information obtained as a result of research in the fields of science and engineering, to provide information exchange between people and organizations working in the relevant field, to create an environment for technical discussion on published studies and Contributing to the development of rapprochement and cooperation between university and industry. The journal's publishing area is Science and Mathematics - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Engineering.


MAS Journal of Applied Sciences (MAS JAPS) includes research article-type studies, scientific compilations and technical notes, including analytical and numerical solutions on experimental and theoretical advances in science and engineering sciences. Your articles; the information produced is expected to be new, suggest a new method, or add a new dimension to previously existing knowledge. The journal publishes original scientific articles written in Turkish and English. Articles sent for publication are evaluated by national and/or international referees and the final decision on the article is made by the editor. Anyone who wants can download the articles without any restrictions.

The main functional areas accepted into the journal are listed as follows:

-Science and Mathematics

. Biology

. Physics

. Mathematics

. Chemistry

-AgricultureForestry and Fisheries

. Horticultural

. Plant Protection

. Molecular Biology and Genetics

. Landscape Architecture

. Aquaculture

. Agricultural Economics

. Agricultural Mechanization

. Agricultural Structures and Irrigation

. Field Crops

. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

. Animal Science


. Computer Engineering

. Biosystems Engineering

. Environmental Engineering

. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

. Industrial Engineering

. Food Engineering

. Aerospace Engineering

. Civil Engineering

. Mechanical Engineering

. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

. Forest Engineering


MAS Journal of Applied Sciences has been published by IKSAD (Institute of Economic Development and Social Research) as 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December) since 2016.


Although articles in English and Turkish are accepted, priority is given to articles written in English to increase international readability and citation. Articles must comply with the standard grammar and spelling rules of the language in which they are written (English or Turkish) and punctuation marks.


Editorial Policy and Referee Process

Manuscripts should not be copied elsewhere or submitted to another journal for parallel evaluation. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences includes research article-type studies, summary compilations and technical notes containing analytical and numerical solutions on standard and theoretical advances applied in science and engineering sciences. It is evaluated with the understanding that the content is approved by all co-authors. Submitted manuscripts are first checked in terms of journal scope, language, presentation, and style. Manuscripts that are not suitable for these aspects will be returned without review.

In order to evaluate the appropriate articles, at least 2 or 3 external and independent referees who are experts in their fields are appointed by a member of the editorial board/section editor. Each manuscript is reviewed through a double-blind peer-review process (identities of neither authors nor peer reviewers are disclosed). Manuscripts returned to authors with referee reports should be revised and sent back to the editor as soon as possible.

Editor-in-chief take the final decision (Accept, Reject) of the manuscript in line with the reviewer’s opinions. All responsibility for the scientific content and expressions in the published article belongs to the authors. In accordance with the publication policies of MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, the plagiarism report for the relevant manuscript is requested to be uploaded to the submission system by the responsible author.


Article Types

It publishes studies in the form of research articles, scientific compilations and technical notes that include analytical and numerical solutions on experimental and theoretical advances.


Manuscript Submission

The article, when submitted together with the Copyright Release Agreement signed by all authors, guarantees (confirms) that it is original and has not been published elsewhere, and that it has been approved - implicitly or explicitly - by all co-authors and the responsible authorities in the unit/institute where the work was done. In case of any claim for compensation, the publisher will not be held legally responsible.


While starting

To submit your article prepared in accordance with the guide to the MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, please click here and after logging in to your account (if you do not have an account, create an account at https://masjaps.com/index.php/mas/about/submissions). Your default login ID is is your e-mail address. Use your existing account, do not create new accounts with new submissions) and start submitting with the "Make a Submission" button on the main page of the journal. Do not forget to check the Submission Checklist before submitting an article.

After logging in, the article submission process is completed in 5 steps. Upload your article information, article file and other necessary documents correctly, step by step. There is no transition to the next step until one step is completed.


To follow the article status;

When you log in to the system with your user information and click on the panel, the relevant magazine appears. By clicking on the journal, the article status can be followed.

After you submit your article via the online system, you will be able to track the status of your article and you will be automatically notified by e-mail if there is any action.


Similarity Report

In order to verify the originality of the submitted article, a similarity report should be obtained using plagiarism detection software (Crossref Similarity CheckTurnitiniThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software) services. This report should be uploaded as a separate file with the name "similarity report".


Ethics in Publishing

Please see our information on Ethical Principles and Publication Policy. Before submission, do not forget to read the "Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors".

Please ensure that any manuscript you submit to this Journal conforms to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) recommendations for ethics, Best Practice Guidelines and as well as to the rules of Egejfas.


B. Preparation of Manuscripts

Article text; It should be written on one side of A4 size paper, in 12 point font size (including all headings), in Times New Roman font, and single spaced. The margins of the page should be 3 cm from the top, bottom, left and right, and each page and line of the article should be numbered (numbering is continuous). Paragraph indents within the article text should be 0.5 cm.

The entire article should be in a single file, including full text, references, figures, and tables. Figures and tables should be given in relevant places within the article.

Article; English Title, English Abstract, Keywords, English Title, English Abstract, Keywords, 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 3. Findings and Discussion, 4. Conclusions, Authors' Contribution Declaration (if any), Conflict of Interest Declaration (if any) It should consist of main sections, Financing (if any), Ethics Committee Approval (if any), Disclosure (if any), Resources and Figures and Tables. Depending on the narrative style of the article, when necessary, the "Discussion" section can be separated from the "Findings" section and given under a separate main section. In articles written in Turkish, the Turkish summary is given first and then the English summary is given; For articles written in English, only English abstracts are given.

All main section and subsection headings, if any, should be written without paragraph indentation and in bold letters. The first letter of all words used in subsection headings should be written in capital letters, and other words should be written in lowercase letters.

In the article text to be uploaded to the system; (After the Turkish/English title) there should be no information identifying the author(s), such as name-surname, institution, contact.

The article should not exceed 24 pages, including the "References" section. Author(s) can use the Article Preparation Template on the journal's website to create these sections.

Accordingly, the article text should be prepared according to the following principles:

Article title

It should be short, concise and appropriate to the text of the article, and the first letter of the words should be written in capital letters, bold and centered. The English title must fully correspond to the Turkish title.

It should be concise, concise and highlight all the important points of the article, why, what and how it was done, what was found and what they mean. The summary text should consist of a maximum of 250 words. Literature should not be used in this section.

The first letter of the word should be capitalized and other words should be lowercase (except proper nouns). If possible, it should consist of words not used in the title. It should consist of words that best describe the work. It must consist of a maximum of 6 (six) words.

1. Introduction

Provide clearly and an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. State the specific objective or hypothesis of the study.


2. Material and Methods

Provide detailed information that allows the study/experiment to be repeated. Already published methods should be cited with references. Significant changes to published methods and new methods should be described in detail.


3. Results and Discussion

The findings should be clear and concise. Results for different parameters should be described under subheadings or in separate paragraphs. Present your results in a logical order in text, tables, and figures. The discussion should not reiterate the findings but provide a detailed interpretation of the data. The discussion should emphasize the importance of the study and the new insights that emerge. Only in exceptional cases can findings and discussion be combined with the approval of the editor. Avoid extensive quotations and discussions of published literature.

4. Conclusions
The contribution of the obtained results to science and practice and recommendations, if any, should be given concisely. The statements given in the Introduction and Findings and Discussion sections should not be repeated in the same way in this section.
Declaration of Author Contributions

There is no need to write in studies with a single author. Since each article author must have made a significant scientific contribution to the article, it is accepted that each author bears equal ethical responsibility. All authors of the article are obliged to make retractions or corrections in cases of errors.



-The authors declare that they have contributed equally to the article, that they have seen/read and approved the final version of the article ready for publication.

-One of the authors, SS, checked the statistical analyzes in the study, and MF checked the final version of the article before printing.


Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

There is no need to write in studies with a single author. Authors must clearly state any conflict of interest, both in terms of other researchers doing research on similar topics and in potential referee matters, during the uploading of their articles to the system. This should also be written in cases where it is thought that there is no conflict of interest.


All authors declare that there is no conflict of interest related to this article.



To individuals, grants, funds, projects, etc. Acknowledgments should be kept short and placed after the conclusion section.


"This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (Support number: ........).”

“This study was supported by Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit. Project number: …."

“The author received research support from Mary Lee A.”


Ethical Committee Approval

All animal and human experiments conducted in the research of the article must comply with the ARRIVE guidelines, EU Directive 2010/63/EU, the World Medical Association Code of Ethics (Declaration of Helsinki) and the National Ethics Committee on Animal Experiments (HADMEK, HADYEK) guidelines. If the article contains human studies, it must comply with the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki).


“Approval was received from University A Ethics Committee (Date.../No....).”

“This is an observational study. The ABC Research Ethics Board has confirmed that ethical approval is not required.”

“This article does not contain any human or animal studies.”

“The authors declare that all applicable guidelines for the sampling, care, and experimental use of animals used in research were followed.”

“Sampling and examination of fish was carried out in accordance with the …… protocol approved by ……..” University.”

“No specific ethical approval was required for this study.”



-Individuals, funds, etc. Explanations should be kept short and placed just before the references. The names of the people to be disclosed must be written clearly and completely.


“This study was produced from the first author's master's/doctoral thesis.”

"The authors are grateful to Kağan KÖKTEN for his friendly cooperation and hospitality during the protein analysis."

"The authors would like to thank Arzu ÇIĞ for the language revision."


Changes to Authorship

At the time of submission, the author (s) information, the corresponding author and the order of the authors must be correct. Changing the author order, adding/deleting are not allowed during the revision phases. However, in rare cases, it can be applied when detailed and acceptable reasons are presented. All authors must agree with any addition, removal or rearrangement and the reasons for changes should be explained in detail. After the article is accepted, no changes can be made to the authorships.

Scientific Style
In writing of systematic /biological papers, international terminology such as “International Codes of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), and International Code of Nomenclature for Algae Fungi and Plants (ICNAFP)(Formerly known as the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature - CBN) International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)” must be strictly followed. The first mention in the text of any taxon must be followed by its authority including the year. The names of genera and species should be given in italics. Clearly write the full genus name at the first occurrence in the text, and abbreviate it when it occurs again. When referring to a species, do not use the genus name alone; Be careful when using 'sp' (singular) or 'spp.' (plural).
Equations and Units
Please ensure that equations are editable. Leave a space on both sides of the <, ±, =, etc. equations used in the text. For units and symbols, the SI system should be used.


Dot (.) should be used as a decimal fraction in the text of the article and in figures and tables (For example, 4.75 instead of 4.75).

“/” should not be used in units and a space should be given between units (For example; m s-1 instead of m/s, kg m s-2 instead of kg m/s2).

A space must be left between the number and the symbol (Example; 9 kg P2O5 ha-1, 13 kg m-1 s-2, 30 N m, 2 dS m-1, 15 °C and 41 %). Exceptions to this rule are the degree, minute, and second symbols used for planar angles (°, ′, and ″). These should be placed immediately after the number (Example: 22°, 33', 50").


Tables and Figures

All visuals (drawings, photographs, paintings, graphics, etc.) other than tables should be defined as 'Figure'. Tables and figures should be numbered as "Table 1, Figure 1" using consecutive Arabic numerals, unless there is a single table or a single figure in the text. Each table and figure should include a brief title. Table and figure captions should be placed in appropriate places. Tables and figures should be included in the article after being cited in the relevant text.



Tables must be prepared with the table tool in Word; tables with images will not be accepted.

The table title should be placed above the table.

. The table title should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 point.

. If there are table notes and abbreviations, please place them below the table body.

. Prepare tables vertically. Avoid large paintings.

. Give a short title for each column.

. Make sure that the data presented in the table do not repeat results described elsewhere.

. Please avoid using vertical lines, color or shading in table cells.



Figures must be in electronic format of appropriate size, JPEG or TIFF, and with a resolution of at least 300 DPI. Do not send files that are too low resolution or disproportionately large for the content.

Photos can be color or grayscale. Photographs and all figures (graphs, maps, etc.) must be in clear format. Graphics should be pasted in an editable format and not converted to image format. If necessary, after the evaluation process is completed, original copies of the figures will be requested from the author(s) in separate files. Times New Roman font should be used in the graphics in the figure. A brief title containing a description of the figure should be given below the figure, but should also explain all symbols and abbreviations used. The figure title should be written in 11-point Times New Roman font.


If authors include figures, tables or text passages published elsewhere, or use of software, questionnaires and scales that require permission in the study, they should obtain permission from the copyright holders. Please note that some publishers do not provide electronic rights for free and MAS Journal of Applied Sciences will not be able to reimburse or be responsible for any costs incurred in obtaining these permissions. In such cases, materials from other sources should not be used.


Footnotes should be numbered consecutively. Those in tables or figures should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters. Asterisks should be used for significance values and other statistical data. Footnotes should never include the bibliographic details of a reference.


In-Text Citation

One Author:

Consider the following examples:

-................................................................(Seydoşoğlu, 2020).

-Seydoşoğlu (2020).................................................................report

- in (2020) Seydoşoğlu's study of freshwater ecology showed that.......


Two authors:

If there are two authors, the surnames of both authors should be indicated and separated from each other by "and", (Kökten and Seydoşoğlu, 2022).

Consider the following examples:

-Kökten and Seydoşoğlu (2020)...................

- Similar results were expressed by Kökten and Seydoşoğlu (2022), Turan (2021).


More than two authors:

In citations with more than two authors, only the surname of the first author should be given, followed by “et al.” should be written. In Turkish articles, it should be 've ark.'. Then, the date should be given (Seydoşoğlu et al., 2021; Kökten ve ark., 2022).

See the examples below:

- Seydoşoğlu ve ark. (2021) ………….……..reports (For the article sent in Turkish)

- Seydoşoğlu et al. (1971) …………………reports (For the article sent in English)

-…………………………………………………..………..(Seydoşoğlu ve ark., 2021).

-.......................................................................(Seydoşoğlu et al. 2021)


Two or more works by different author:

When two or more works must be cited together, in-text citations should be arranged alphabetically in the order in which they appear in the reference list, and a semicolon should be used to separate citations.

For example: Several studies reported similar results (Geldi and Ergen, 2021; Kocataş, 2000; Tunçtürk, 1987).


Two or more works by the same author:

If there are two or more works by the same author, list the years of publication, earliest first.

For example: (Seydoşoğlu, 2017, 2018, 2019) or Seydoşoğlu (2017, 2018, 2019)


Citation to authors with more than one work in the same year:

Works are named a, b, c, etc. after the date. should be referred to as. These letters should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the first author in the bibliography list.

For example:

-Kökten and Seydoşoğlu, 2022a

-Kökten and Seydoşoğlu, 2022a, b


No authors:

For English publications;

Anonymous, 2021. Crop Production Statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute, (http://www.tuik.gov.tr), (Access date: 20.02.2020).

For Turkish publications;

Anonim, 2021. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (http://www.tuik.gov.tr), (Erişim tarihi: 20.02.2020).


Information Retrieved from the Internet

Anonymous, 2021. Turkey's Total Biomass Energy Potential. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources General Directorate of Energy Affairs, Biomass Energy Potential Atlas, (https://bepa.enerji.gov.tr/), (Accessed: 10.09.2020)


Reference in Sources

Journal Articles

Seydoşoğlu, S., 2018. Vegetation characteristics, rangeland status and health determination of some natural rangelands. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 19(4): 368-373.

Seydoşoğlu, S., Kökten, K., 2019. Some characters of rangeland vegetation in Batman province. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 23(1): 27-33.

Seydoşoğlu, S., Kökten, K., 2021. Nitrogen requirement of Italian (Lolium multiflorum): a review. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Sciences, 2(1): 26-30.

Seydoşoğlu, S., Kökten, K., Sevilmiş, U., 2018. Basic vegetation characteristics of village pastures connected to Mardin province and its provinces. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5(4): 406–413.

Turan, N., Seydoşoğlu, S., Sevilmiş, U., Oluk, C.A., 2020. Determination of macronutrient contents of dry grass of some vetch species in different mixing ratios with barley. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(3): 597-608.



Kökten, K., Seydoşoğlu, S., 2021. Legumes Processing and Potential (1. Edition). Iksad Publishing House, No: 278, Ankara.

Davis, R.A., 1992. Depositional Systems: An Introduction to Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.


Book Chapter;

Özyazıcı, M.A., Bektaş, H., Açıkbaş, S., 2021. Legumes processing and potential (Ed: K. Kökten, S. Seydoşoğlu). Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.), Iksad Publishing House, Ankara, s.3-54.

Brown, B., Aaron, M., 2001. The politics of nature. In: J. Smith (Ed), The Rise of Modern Genomics, 3rd edn., Wiley, New York, pp. 230-257.


Conference Proceedings;

Seydoşoğlu, S., Sevilmiş, U., 2019. Wings of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) and its evaluation as an innovative food source for fish. International Agriculture and Rural Development Congress, Conference Proceedings Book, 10-12 June, Siirt, pp. 559-569.

Seydoşoğlu, S., 2020. Calcereous rangelands amelioration applications from the world. International Euroasia Congress on Scientific Researches and Recet Trends-7, Conference Proceedings Book, 6-9 December, Baku, Azerbaycan, s. 444-447.

Turan, N., Seydoşoğlu, S., 2021. A minor feed legume crop: yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus L.). ISPEC 8th International Conference On Agriculture, Animal Science And Rural Development, Conference Proceedings Book, 24-25 December, Bingöl, s. 748-756.



Seydoşoğlu, S., 2012. Effect of harvesting stage and rate of defoliation on the (yield) and (yield related) properties of shrub-medic (Medicago arborea). Ms Thesis, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Ege University, İzmir.

Seydoşoğlu, S., 2017. Investigation of the effects of different sowing times of different varieties on second crop maize silage yield and quality. PhD Thesis, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Dicle University, Diyarbakır.

Berbert, P.A., 1995. On-line density-independent moisture content measurement of hard winter wheat using the capacitance method. PhD Thesis, Crandfield University (Unpublished), UK.


The publications whose authors are not given;

Anonymous, 2021. Crops and Livestock Products. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QCL), (Accessed: 20.04.2020).


Internet Sources;

Anonim, 2021. Turkey's Total Biomass Energy Potential. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, General Directorate of Energy Affairs, Biomass Energy Potential Atlas, (https://bepa.enerji.gov.tr/), (Accessed:10.09.2020)


C. Additional Files

In addition to the article text, the following documents and documents on the journal's website must be prepared and uploaded to the system during the application:

. Title Page in Word format, which includes the name-surname and institutional information of the author(s) and the contact information of the corresponding author,

. "Copyright Release Agreement" signed by all authors and scanned in pdf format,

. Ethics Committee Report, if necessary.


D. Manuscript Submission

Prepared manuscript and related additional files should only be uploaded using the "Submit a Submission" section of the web site of the Turkish Agricultural Research Journal (https://masjaps.com/index.php/mas/about/submissions) by corresponding author who is responsible for the manuscript.

Authors will be able to follow progress of their manuscript from the journal web site. Authors who cannot complete the article loading steps can send an e-mail to submission@masjaps.com to ask for help.