Nursing Care of the Patient Receiving Mechanical Ventilator Support in the Intensive Care Unit

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Intensive care unit, mechanical ventilator, patient, nursing care


The care for patients who are incapable of sustaining their breathing due to various conditions such as respiratory, circulatory and neurological diseases, intoxication and trauma is continued by using a mechanical ventilator in the intensive care unit. The care of the patient on a mechanical ventilator requires a multidisciplinary approach. Although all team members are responsible for the physiological and psychological care of the patient, the role and responsibility of nurses are greater. Intensive care nurses participate in the care of their patients directly, spend longer time with them, and therefore observe them more closely. They also have important responsibilities for the care of the patient, follow-up and separation from the ventilator, as well as the subsequent responsibilities. Therefore, as the individuals who know the patients best, intensive care nurses have a very important role in the medical team. Continuing the treatment and care of the patient on a mechanical ventilator without complications is only possible by providing successful and effective nursing care. Therefore, it is believed that this article will be a guide for nurses working in intensive care units, and offering care to patients on mechanical ventilators.





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How to Cite

GÖK, F., & YURTSEVEN, F. . (2022). Nursing Care of the Patient Receiving Mechanical Ventilator Support in the Intensive Care Unit. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(2), 528–536.


