Determination of Forage Quality Characteristics of Some Quercus Genotypes in Pastures and Natural Vegetation in Southeastern Anatolia Region

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Quercus, genotype, taxa, macro elements


This research was conducted in May 2024 to determine the forage quality traits in genotypes of some Quercus taxa (Q. brantii, Q. coccifera, Q. infectoria subsp. veneris and Q. variabilis) located in the meadows-pastures and natural vegetation of the Southeastern Anatolia Region. In all genotypes examined in the study, average crude protein (CP) was found as 17.71 %, dry matter (DM) as 87.93 %, acid detergent insoluble fiber (ADF) as 25.13 %, neutral detergent insoluble fiber (NDF) as 46.01%, acid detergent insoluble protein (ADP) as 0.67%, digestible dry matter (DDM) as 69.33 %, dry matter consumption (DMI) as 2.74 %, relative feed value (RFV) as 148.0, potassium (K) as 2.48 %, calcium (Ca) as 1.46 %, magnesium (Mg) as 0.14 %, phosphorus (P) as 0.38 %, Ca/P as 3.99 and K/(Ca+Mg) as 1.61. In taxa, the average HP varied between 12.66-19.69 %, DM 87.17-88.34 %, ADF 23.64-29.51 %, NDF 42.66-53.49 %, ADP 0.63-0.72 %, DDM 65.91-70.49 %, DMI 2.24-3.01 %, RFV 114.6-164.3 %, K 1.94-2.73 %, Ca 0.98-1.71 %, Mg 0.10-0.17 %, P 0.32-0.42 %, Ca/P 2.32-5.45 and K/(Ca+Mg) 1.07-2.29. As a result of the research, the highest values ​​in terms of the important traits examined (HP, ADF, NDF, SKM, KMT and NYD) were Q. infectoria subsp. veneris taxon, followed by Q. brantii, Q. variabilis and Q. coccifera taxa, respectively.


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How to Cite

AVCI , M. E., & BAŞBAĞ, M. (2024). Determination of Forage Quality Characteristics of Some Quercus Genotypes in Pastures and Natural Vegetation in Southeastern Anatolia Region. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(Özel Sayı), 741–753.


