Investigation of Yield and Quality Characteristics of Durum Wheat Genotypes under Rainfall and Irrigation Conditions in Dry Season

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Durum wheat, drought stress, yield, protein, Triticum durum


A total of 5 durum wheat genotypes, including the varieties Güneyyıldızı, Ovidio, Svevo and the lines Hat-301 and UYM-2, were used as materials in the research conducted in the field crops application areas of Diyarbakır Dicle University in the 2021/2022 season under rainfed and irrigated conditions. The study was carried out in two separate experiments under rainfed and irrigated conditions. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate some yield and quality traits of durum wheat genotypes under rainfed and supplementary irrigation conditions in the extremely hot and dry season in Diyarbakır province. As a result of this study, it was concluded that grain yield increased by 705.10 % in the rainfed and supplemental irrigation conditions, especially in the high drought stress in the generative period of wheat, which caused a significant decrease in grain yield. In addition, a decrease of 22.42 % was determined in protein ratios in the supplementary irrigation condition. It was concluded that the reason for this situation was that the vegetation period of wheat was longer in the supplementary irrigation condition and the accumulation of starch in the grain maturity period was higher.


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How to Cite

ÖNER, M., YORULMAZ, L., AKINCI, C., & HUSSEIN, Y. (2024). Investigation of Yield and Quality Characteristics of Durum Wheat Genotypes under Rainfall and Irrigation Conditions in Dry Season. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(Özel Sayı), 810–818.


