Visual Quality Assessment of Rural Landscapes: The Case of Gölbaşı, Ankara

Visual quality, visual indicator, Gölbaşı, AnkaraAbstract
In the planning and management of rural landscapes, it is necessary to evaluate the visual landscape quality together with the evaluation of natural and cultural components with a holistic approach by considering all different characteristics and their relationships in space and time. The aim of the study is to evaluate the visual landscape quality by using visual indicators determined based on ecological and aesthetic common ground in Gölbaşı district, one of the central districts of Ankara province, where there is urbanization pressure and rural areas are dense. In this context, the visual quality of the area was determined by using the 2018 CORINE LC/LU Data and the visual consept of complexity, naturalness, disturbance and coherence. To spatially determine the landscape level analysis, the area was divided into regions. According to the results, as human impact increases (urbanization, mining areas, etc.), visual quality decreases (regions 6, 7 and 9), while visual quality increases as human impact decreases. When evaluated with this approach, suggestions have been developed in the Gölbaşı example to emphasize rural identities through indicators and to plan land uses according to this unique value.
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