Roughage Quality of Second Crop Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrids Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense Stapf.) Growing on Bilecik Ecological Condition

Bilecik, second crop, roughage, quality, sorghum × sudan grass hybridAbstract
Sorghum, which has the ability to use water more effectively than corn and other cereals, can have high foarge yield even in arid conditions. The plant is important both nutritionally and with its high level of phenolic compounds in terms of animal health, yield and quality. In this study, it was aimed to determine the roughage quality of different sorghum x sudan grass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense Stapf. “SS”, Gözde-80, Aneto and Nutri honey) cultivars. The study was carried out in Bilecik ecological conditions as a second product in 2020. According to the results, the highest crude protein content was found in Aneto with 9.82% and Gözde-80 with 10.19%. The ADF and NDF ratios varied between 39.09-41.57% and 61.60-65.58%, respectively. The highest CT was in Aneto with 0.68%, and the lowest in Nutri honey with 0.59%. The TP, TF and DPPH contents of the SS hybrids varied between 14.35-20.03 mg GA g-1, 1.25-1.75 mg QE g-1 and 25.46-31.75%, respectively. As a result, all varieties showed the same performance in Bilecik ecological conditions in terms of roughage quality as the second product.
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