Factors Affecting Hatching Efficiency in Poultry and Newly Applied Methods

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Incubation yield, hatchability, egg quality, storage, preheating, inovo


In this study, the effects of temperature, photoperiod, social environment, housing and feeding conditions and diseases on feed intake will be discussed. The efficiency of the hatching process determines the hatching, survival and productivity level of the poultry. Hatching efficiency is calculated by dividing the number of eggs incubated by the number of chicks hatched at the end of incubation and multiplying by 100. Egg quality, incubation conditions, health status of the broodstock, genotypic factors, storage periods of eggs, fertility rate, humidity-temperature-ventilation-rotation during incubation, whether ventilation processes are carried out regularly or not, dirty-cracked condition of the egg, shape of the egg affect the hatching efficiency. Temperature during incubation, development time of the incubated egg, hatching time, embryo death during hatching, hatching disturbances cause a decrease in hatching efficiency. Fertility and hatchability are directly proportional to incubation efficiency. Long-term storage of hatching eggs, keeping them in a cold environment, excessive air space, insufficient embryo development and early embryo death are observed. Contamination problems, feeding inadequacies cause mid-term embryo mortality. In recent years, researchers have reported that applications such as short-term high temperature holding, keeping the eggs in plastic bags, preheating the hatching eggs before placing them in the incubator,  internet-based artificial egg incubator, production technology of specific pathogen-free eggs, infrared imaging and thermal sensing, inovo applications increase the hatching efficiency and hatchability. It can contribute to poultry production by optimizing hatchery conditions, increasing hatching efficiency and hatchability, ensuring chick health and reducing mortality rates, reducing energy consumption and improving production performance, thereby reducing economic losses in this sector.





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How to Cite

BOGA , Y. E., ÇİMEN, Ömer, & KEPEZKAYA , A. (2024). Factors Affecting Hatching Efficiency in Poultry and Newly Applied Methods. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(3), 578–589. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13294051


