Düşük Kalorili Keklerin Üretiminde Yağ İkame Maddesi Olarak Modifiye Hidroksipropil Diastark Fosfat (E1442) Nişastanın Kullanımı

mixture, feed, quality, SilageAbstract
Cake is the favorite food product of consumers. Due to the high amount of fat and sugar in its formula and as a result of high calories, the continuous and long-term consumption of this food causes obesity and health problems afterwards. Therefore, it has been contemplated to replace some of the oil in the product formulation with oil substitutes. In this study, the effect of modified hydroxypropyl diastark phosphate (E 1424) starch on low fat cake production was investigated. 1442e was considered to be four 75, 50, 25 and 100% fat substitutes as research variables; Physical properties of dough such as specific volume, viscosity and physicochemical properties including moisture, oil, pH, aw height, color and texture of cakes were evaluated. The results showed that there was no significant difference in pH, dough, aw moisture, height and hardness specific volume properties of the cake structure between the cake prepared with 25% oil substitution and the control cake (P> 0/05). A significant decrease was observed in the physicochemical properties of the cakes produced by increasing the oil substitution ratio by 50% (P <0/05).
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