Determination of Forage Quality Characteristics in Some Onobrychis Species in Meadow-Pastures and Natural Vegetation in Southeastern Anatolia Region

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Onobrychis, species, forage quality, minerals


This study was carried out in 2023 to determine some forage quality traits in 9 different Onobrychis species (O. aequidentata, O. altissima, O. caput-galli, O. carduchorum, O. crista-galli, O. galegifolia, O. kotschyana, O. megataphros and O. transcaucasica) located in the meadows-pastures and natural vegetation of the Southeastern Anatolia Region. In the research, among the species, crude protein (CP) was 14.99-21.42%, acid detergent insoluble fiber (ADF) was 15.60-27.44%, neutral detergent insoluble fiber (NDF) was 32.35-45.30%, acid detergent insoluble protein (ADP) was 0.7-1.1%, dry matter (DM) was 88.70-92.46%, digestible dry matter (DDM) was 67.53-76.75%, dry matter intake (DMI) was 2.65-3.71%, relative feed value (RFV) was 141.1-210.8, potassium (K) was 0.40-2.53%, calcium (Ca) was 1.45-2.51%, magnesium (Mg) was 0.26-0.32%, phosphorus (P) was 0.15-0.42%, Ca/P 3.75-16.67 and K/(Ca+Mg) 0.14-1.38 ranges. As a result, the best values ​​in terms of quality traits examined among the species were obtained from O. carduchorum, O. megataphros and O. transcaucasica, respectively, while the lowest quality values ​​were obtained from O. kotschyana, O. galegifolia and O. crista-galli.


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How to Cite

AYDIN, E., & BAŞBAĞ , M. (2024). Determination of Forage Quality Characteristics in Some Onobrychis Species in Meadow-Pastures and Natural Vegetation in Southeastern Anatolia Region. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(Özel Sayı), 843–854.


