Physıcal Modelıng Of The Effect Of The Rock Column Posıtıon On The Behavıor Of The Adjusted Soft Ground Tape

clay, cradle, strip foundation, load bearing capacity, Stone pillarAbstract
Building foundations on soft soils has been one of the problems faced by geotechnical engineersdue to the low bearing capacity and the increase in the amount of settlement in these soils. One of thecurrent solutions to this problem is to add a reinforcement element to the soil and one of the elements thatcan be added to the soil is a stone pole. In this method, 91 to 31% of the weak soil volume is replaced withsuitable soil. In this research, we investigated the effect of the presence of single and group stone pillars,the position and length of the stone pillar on the bearing capacity of the strip foundation around a soft clayroof. In addition, the stone columns were strengthened using vertical bumpers and the effect ofstrengthening the stone columns in different modes on the behavior of the strip foundation adjacent to theslope was investigated. The results showed that in all cases reinforcing the clay slope with a stone pillarincreased the bearing capacity of the strip foundation located near the slope. Also, equipping the stonecolumn with remote control improves the performance of the stone column and increases the bearingcapacity of the foundation according to the similar condition of the non-reinforced stone column. Theoptimum length of an unreinforced stone column under the foundation is 4 times the column diameter. Thebiggest effect of the stone column on the bearing capacity of the strip foundation occurred when the stonecolumn was placed under the foundation and the bearing capacity of the foundation decreased as thedistance between the column center and the foundation center increased. In addition, when the efficiencyof the stone column group was examined, it was observed that the performance of double group stonecolumns in both reinforced and non-reinforced conditions was better than the triple group.
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