Interaction of Light Color and Object

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Renk, ışık, nesne, karışım


The interaction of the eye with light and a light-reflecting surface is necessary for the perception of colors. The physiological and psychological effects of colors can be different according to experiments on humans. These effects can have positive or negative consequences. In this context, an optimally planned space can turn into a gloomy, dull, and unpleasant space with the use of colors, while the same environment can create a lively, cheerful and comfortable environment according to the needs. The structure of the object, its light transmittance, light reflection, brightness, or opacity may cause different results in the perception of the color of the object. As a result of these effects, artists have scientifically examined the light-color relationship and carried their knowledge to the art of painting.


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How to Cite

ÖZKANLI, Ümit. (2022). Interaction of Light Color and Object. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(3), 687–695.


