Determinatıon of Agronomical Characteristics of Some Potato Clones (Solanum tuberosum L.)

Potatoes clone, selection, morphological and yield characteristicsAbstract
The study was carried out at Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Field Crops Research and Application Areas. In the scope of potato breeding, Bettina, Nif varieties used as parents and their crosses potato clones were taken into the field trial on March 1, 2023 in the Randomized Complete Block Design. Potato clones were regularly maintained to ensure optimum development. The plants that completed their development were harvested on June 30, 2023. Morphological and yield characteristics of tubers such as plant height, stem number, tuber number, single tuber weight, plant yield, plot yield, tuber width and tuber length were analyzed in the study. Variances in these traits were calculated by applying analysis of variance and Least Significant Difference (LSD) groupings were performed. Statistically significant differences were found among the potato clones obtained as a result of crosses in terms of morphological and yield traits. In terms of morphological traits; the highest plant height was obtained from Clone 1-387 (68.00 cm) and the highest mean was obtained from Clone 1-375 (5.33 number) in terms of stem number. When yield characteristics were evaluated; Clone 1-445 (10.33 number) for tuber number, Clone 1-327 (79.29 g) for single tuber weight, Clone 1-327 (768.84 g) for plant yield, Clone 1-445 (5.00 kg) for plot yield, Clone 1-445 (5.14 cm) for tuber width and Clone 1-327 (7.54 cm) for tuber length had the highest means.
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