The Impact of Social Media in Veterinary Medicine Education

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social media, internet use, veterinarian education, digital literacy


This study was conducted to investigate the social media and internet usage habits among veterinary faculty students. The research, carried out at Kırıkkale University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, revealed that the majority of students utilized the internet for 3-5 hours daily, with a significant portion of this time allocated to social media engagement. Notably, gender differences in the use of social media for educational purposes were significant; female students reported greater usage of social media platforms, while male students tended to utilize these platforms more for technical and educational purposes. In the context of veterinary medicine education, classical textbooks (78.7%) and the internet (63.5%) emerged as the primary sources of information. Course slides, scientific publications, and educational videos were identified as the most frequently employed teaching tools online. The social media platforms most commonly utilized for educational purposes included YouTube, Google, and Instagram. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the role of social media in veterinary medicine education, demonstrating that students benefit from both traditional and digital resources. The findings suggest that the integration of social media into veterinary education offers significant opportunities for rapid information access and professional development. However, to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of these platforms, it is essential for students to enhance their digital literacy skills and to engage in critical evaluation of the information presented.




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How to Cite

AYVAZOĞLU DEMİR, P., & AYDENİZÖZ, M. (2024). The Impact of Social Media in Veterinary Medicine Education . MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(Özel Sayı), 956–964.


