The Endangered Traditional Pulse, Single-Flowered Vetch (Vicia articulata Hornem): Some Agronomic Characteristics and Protein-Based Nutritional Value of Populations from Türkiye

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Vicia articulata, single-flowered vetch, yellow lentil, yield, protein


In agricultural researches, mostly basic crops with high economic value are taken into consideration, while plants that are cultivated in small quantities or locally are ignored. Climate change, changes in consumer preferences and increasing demand for safety and healthy foods are increasing the interest in species that have been overlooked and many of which are on the verge of extinction. One of the plants that can be evaluated in this context is single-flowered vetch (Vicia articulata Hornem). Single-flowered vetch is known as yellow lentil in Turkey and has been grown as a grain legume in the Inner Aegean Region for many years. However, information about the plant is extremely limited and its cultivation is also decreasing. This means that its culture is at risk of extinction. Therefore, in the current study, 5 local populations obtained from different provinces were grown in Yozgat conditions in the spring of 2023 to determine some of their agricultural characteristics and protein content. Significant differences (p<0.01) were detected among single-flowered vetch populations for all traits examined; first flowering time was 69-75 days, harvest maturity time was 117-122 days, grain yield was 1.47 - 2.41 t ha-1 and protein content was 26.08 - 27.90%. As a result, it was determined that single-flowered vetch is comparable to lentil in terms of yield and protein content and it was concluded that more comprehensive studies would be useful.


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How to Cite

BAŞARAN, U. (2024). The Endangered Traditional Pulse, Single-Flowered Vetch (Vicia articulata Hornem): Some Agronomic Characteristics and Protein-Based Nutritional Value of Populations from Türkiye. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(Özel Sayı), 892–898.


