Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Some Yield Characteristics in Wheat Varieties

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Van lake basin, summer wheat cultivation, nitrogen fertilization, local varieties




This research was carried out in Van Tusba Tevekli District in the 2021 summer production season to determine the effects of four different nitrogenous (N) fertilizer doses (0 kg da⁻¹ N (control), 8 kg da⁻¹ N, 12 kg da⁻¹ N and 16 kg da⁻¹ N) on some yield and yield traits in four bread wheat varieties (Kose, Bahare Cemre and Seri-82). The research was planned according to the randomized blocks in split plots experimental design with three replications. In the study, the effects of four different N fertilizer doses on traits such as number of spikes per square meter (NSS), plant height (PH), number of grains per spike (NGPS), thousand-grain weight (TGW), total yield (TY) and grain yield (GY) in four bread wheat varieties were investigated. The effects of all factors used (except the effect of N averages on NSS) on all traits examined were found to be statistically significant (P˂0.05). According to the research results, the highest NSS values ​​were obtained from the interactions of N8 x Seri-82 (384.00 number/m²) and N12 x Kose, which are in the same group, PH data N12 x Bahare (57.33 cm), NGPS values ​​N8 x Cemre (18.33 number spike⁻¹) and N12 x Seri-82 and N16 x Cemre which are in the same group, TGW values ​​N16 x Kose (38.50 g), TY values ​​N16 x Kose (432.50 kg da⁻¹) and GY values ​​N16 x Kose (93.71 kg da⁻¹). In the research, negative significant relationships were determined between NSS and TY (r: -0.518*) and GY (r: -0.526*) and positive very significant relationships (r: 0.774***) between TY and GY. It is thought that the low values ​​obtained in the study were due to the experimental conditions and the effect of the drought that occurred during the season. It is thought that better results can be obtained if irrigation can be applied at a level that will eliminate drought stress in summer wheat cultivation in the Lake Van basin.





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How to Cite

ALTUNER, F., & GELISKEN, A. (2024). Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Some Yield Characteristics in Wheat Varieties . MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(3), 721–733. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13337118


