Input Use in Zivzik Pomegranate Production and Its Effect on Production

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Zivzik pomegranate, input usage, regression analysis, correlation analysis


The aim of this study is to determine the inputs used in the production of Zivzik pomegranate in Siirt province and the factors affecting pomegranate production. The data of the research was derived from the survey conducted with 186 farmers determined using the complete count method. According to the results obtained from the research, the average labor use in Zivzik pomegranate production is 1092.54 h/ha, the average traction power use is 43.30 h ha-1, the average fuel consumption is 212.35 l ha-1, the average nitrogen use is 284.19 kg ha-1, the average phosphorus use is 320.92 kg ha-1, the average potassium usage was calculated as 113.56 kg ha-1, average sulfur use was 244.82 kg ha-1, average farm manure use was 14089.54 kg ha-1, average water consumption was 630.94 m3 ha-1, average insecticide use was 30.34 kg ha-1 and average fungicide use was 24.63 kg ha-1. The interrelationships of variables affecting pomegranate production were examined by correlation analysis. It was determined that the variables had positive and negative relationships with each other. Factors affecting Zivzik pomegranate production were determined by regression analysis. According to the results of the regression analysis, as the land size increases, Zivzik pomegranate production increases; if insecticide use, water use and farm manure use increase by 1 %, Zivzik pomegranate production will increase by 0.283 %, 0.012 % and 0.002 %, respectively, and the number of trees and labor use will increase by 1 %. It was determined that an increase of 1 would reduce the production of Zivzik pomegranate by 0.070 % and 0.007 %, respectively.


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How to Cite

ÖZTÜRK, G., KADAK, E., BARAN, M. F., & DEMİR, C. (2024). Input Use in Zivzik Pomegranate Production and Its Effect on Production. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(3), 668–678.


