Effects of Different Sowing Times on Yield and Forage Quality of Silage Soybean Varieties (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.)

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ADF, NDF, sowing time, crude protein, silage soybean


This study was conducted during the summer of 2022 at the research fields of the Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Van Yuzuncu Yıl University. The study aimed to determine silage soybean varieties' forage yield and some quality parameters at different sowing times. The soybean varieties Yemsoy and Yeşilsoy were used in this research, which was designed according to a Randomized Complete Block Design with a factorial arrangement and three replications. The sowing dates were scheduled for five different periods: April 20, May 5, May 20, June 5, and June 20. According to the results obtained from the study, plant height varied between 51.3 and 89.7 cm, with the highest value recorded on May 5. The highest green herbage yields were recorded on May 5 and May 20, with 1974.1 kg da-1 and 2005.2 kg da-1, respectively, while the lowest yield was determined on June 20 with 660.7 kg da-1. The highest crude protein contents were observed on May 5 and June 5, while the lowest was recorded on June 20. The lowest ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) content was measured on May 20. The highest NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) contents were observed on May 5, May 20, and June 5, whereas the lowest NDF content was obtained on June 20. The highest relative feed value (RFV) ratios were determined on May 20 and June 20. The research findings indicate that silage soybean can be utilized as a forage option in regions with short growing seasons.


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How to Cite

KİTAPÇI, T., AĞIRAĞAÇ, Z., & ZORER ÇELEBİ , Şeyda. (2024). Effects of Different Sowing Times on Yield and Forage Quality of Silage Soybean Varieties (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.). MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(3), 564–577. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13293936


