Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis in the Valuation of Expropriation and Easement Rights in ENH

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Expropriation, easement rights, energy transmission line, multiple regression analysis


In a globalizing world, meeting energy needs is becoming increasingly difficult due to global warming, the growing demand for energy production, the rapid depletion of minerals used in energy production, and the rapid decline of financial resources. Therefore, Energy Transmission Line (ETL) is quite important in the transmission of the generated energy. In order to conduct a new price research on the value of the easement right formed on parcels during ETL transmission, Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) were applied using ArcGIS software for 101 parcels with independent variables affecting the property. In both methods, the R² value was at the level of 96%, yielding quite good results. As a result of the GWR analysis, a formula was determined that calculates the expropriation and easement right values using the mass valuation approach. Additionally, with the GWR model, the highest and lowest values for the easement right were determined based on the spatial/local weighted regional density of the 101 parcels.


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How to Cite

CAN, K., & BOSTANCI , B. (2024). Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis in the Valuation of Expropriation and Easement Rights in ENH. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(Özel Sayı), 907–925.


