The Unseen Threat: The Devastating Impact of Microplastics on Soil Health; A mini Review

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Microplastics, pollution, soil health, microorganisms


The presence of microplastics (MPs) in soil has emerged as an urgent environmental issue with the potential to impact soil health and ecosystem functioning. These small plastic particles, usually smaller than 5 mm, enter soil environments through various pathways, including direct deposition from the atmosphere, the application of contaminated organic amendments such as sewage sludge or compost, and runoff from landfills or agricultural activities. Once in the soil, microplastics (MPs) can persist for long periods due to their resilient nature and can enter into complex interactions with soil components. The presence of MPs in soil can alter soil physical, chemical, and biological properties, affecting essential soil functions such as water retention, nutrient cycling, and microbial activity. Furthermore, MPs can interact with soil organisms, disrupting their behavior, reproductive processes, and overall ecosystem dynamics. Additionally, MPs can adsorb and transport harmful chemicals, potentially affecting soil and groundwater quality. Understanding the sources, fate, and effects of MPs in soil is crucial for mitigating their environmental impacts and protecting soil health. Effective strategies to address the problem of MPs in soil include improved waste management practices, regulation of plastic use, the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, and research into innovative remediation techniques. Addressing the problem of MPs in soil is essential to maintain the integrity and functionality of terrestrial ecosystems.




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How to Cite

SAKİN, E., DİLEKOĞLU, M. F., YANARDAĞ, İbrahim H., & ÇELİK, A. (2024). The Unseen Threat: The Devastating Impact of Microplastics on Soil Health; A mini Review. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(3), 552–563.


