Fertilization Strategies and Practices: A Study on Lentil

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lentil, legumes, fertilizer, fertilization


Lentil (Lens culinaris) has an important place in agriculture due to its high nutritional value and ability to fix nitrogen and contributes to sustainable agricultural practices by increasing soil fertility. Proper fertilization strategies in lentil farming play a critical role in terms of yield increase and soil health. Fertilization is optimized by providing the macro and micronutrients needed by the plant at the optimal timing and dosage. Lentils especially need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; nitrogen is essential for growth and development and is bio-fixed, phosphorus promotes root development and flowering, while potassium increases disease resistance and regulates water balance. Modern fertilization practices starts with soil analysis; available nutrient levels and pH values are determined to customize fertilization programs.  Both organic and inorganic fertilizers are used in lentil farming. Organic fertilizers increase the organic matter content of the soil, supporting microbial activity and improving long-term soil health, while inorganic fertilizers provide a rapid source of nutrients to the plant. Recent research is examining the effects of fertilization strategies on lentil yield and quality and determining optimal fertilizer amounts and application timings. Over-fertilization can lead to economic losses and environmental pollution, while under-fertilization can negatively affect plant growth. The development of effective fertilization strategies in lentil agriculture will contribute to the achievement of efficient and environmentally friendly production targets.


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How to Cite

TUNÇ, M., & RUFAİOĞLU, S. B. (2024). Fertilization Strategies and Practices: A Study on Lentil. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(3), 537–551. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13283076


