Determination of Molybdenum Content of Soils of Kirikhan-Kumlu Region and Relationships with Some Heavy Metals in Soil

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molybdenum content, heavy metals, kırıkhan-kumlu


In this study, it was aimed to determine the molybdenum content of the soils of Kırıkhan-Kumlu region and to determine their relationship with some heavy metals in the soil. For this purpose, a total of 60 soil samples were taken from two different depths (0-20 and 20-40 cm) and 30 different points to represent the soils of Kırıkhan-Kumlu region. Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Iron (Fe) and Molybdenum (Mo) contents were determined in the soil samples.  According to the results of the research; Cd content of the soils was found between 0.01-0.06 µg kg-1; Co content 0.02-0.22 µg kg-1; Cr 0.03-0.77 µg kg-1, Ni content 0.70-6.56 mg kg-1; Fe content 4.04-13.09 mg kg-1 and Mo content 0.01-0.23 µg kg-1. Negative significant relationships were determined between Mo and Cr content of soils. At the same time, positive significant relationships were determined between Cd and Ni, Co and Cr and Ni and Ni and Fe. When the heavy metal contents of the soils of the region were compared with the limit values, no heavy metal pollution was found. 


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How to Cite

YALÇIN, M. (2024). Determination of Molybdenum Content of Soils of Kirikhan-Kumlu Region and Relationships with Some Heavy Metals in Soil. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 230–240.


