Investigation of Nursing Students' Sustainable Development Attitudes According to Some Variables: The Case of Erzincan Province

Awareness, economy, environment, nursing students, sustainable developmentAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the sustainable development awareness levels of nursing students and to examine them in terms of some variables. The findings of the study were obtained by applying the Sustainable Development Awareness Scale of nursing students studying in the nursing department of Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Faculty of Health Sciences. The scale was applied to 226 nursing students. Of the students in the study group, 165 were female and 61 were male. Nursing students' awareness levels of sustainable development are "high" in terms of "environmental" and "economic-social" factors and total scores, and "moderate" in terms of "social" factors. According to the grade level, the sustainable development awareness levels of nursing students differ significantly in terms of both total score and sub-dimension scores. In this direction, it can be said that considering sustainable development holistically in a way that includes environmental, social, economic and cultural dimensions is effective in achieving the program outcomes of nursing students.
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