Analysis of Arpc1b Gene Expression in Pterygium

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ARPC1B, Pterygium, qRT-PCR


Pterygium, or flesh growth in the eye, is a common eye illness that causes the conjunctiva on the cornea to expand out of control. The most common cause of epithelial tissue abnormalities is long-term UV radiation exposure from the sun. Although the precise etiology of the pterygium disease is unknown, additional elements such as dry weather, dust, and a vaporization of the tear film, and other genetic factors, Despite the fact that the exact cause of pterygium illness is uncertain, there seems to be a correlation between outdoor work and the illness's development. Subunit 1B of the Actin Related Protein 2/3 Complex the name of the ARPC1B gene. The human Arp2/3 protein complex has seven subunits, and this gene codes for one of them. Sensory rhodopsin-2 protein is a component that belongs to the SOP2 family. The goal of this research was to see how the ARPC1B gene affected pterygium illness. Tissue was extracted during surgery with the subjects' agreement and consent. We employed the technique expression of ARPC1B gene by extracting cDNA synthesis from group of tissues levels assessed by Real-Time PCR, and the diagnosis of pterygium was validated (polymerase chain reaction). According to the findings of qRT-PCR, there was no discernible change. in ARPC1B gene levels of expression in pterygium and normal conjunctival tissues (p>0.005).







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How to Cite

AHMED, M., BOZKURT, N., ŞAHİN, K., ŞAVKIN, S., TIĞLI, H., DEMİR, H. D., GÜNEŞ, A., & ATEŞ, H. Ömer. (2024). Analysis of Arpc1b Gene Expression in Pterygium . MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(1), 75–89.


