Investigation of the Relationship Between Diabetes Complication Risk Perception and Diabetes Self-Management Perception in Individuals with Diabetes

Diabetes, complication, self-management, riskAbstract
The purpose of this study was to ascertain how diabetic self-management in people with diabetes is related to their assessment of the danger of complications from their diabetes. The research is cross-sectional and descriptive. 223 people with diabetes who were at least 18 years old and gave their consent to participate in the study made up the study's sample. The Perception of Self-Management in Diabetes Scale, the Risk Perception Scale for Complications in Diabetes, and the Personal Data Identification Form were used to gather study data. The statistical application IBM SPSS 26.0 was utilized to analyze the data. The Perception of Self-Management in Diabetes Scale was found to be 24.06±2.52 (intermediate level) in the study. The total score of the sub-dimensions of the Risk Perception Scale for Complications in Diabetes was 2.44±0.48 (above the intermediate level) and the total score of the composite risk knowledge was 2.58±0.26 (intermediate level). No significant relationship was found between the Risk Perception Scale for Complications in Diabetes and the Perception of Self-Management in Diabetes Scale (p<0.05). Individuals' age, duration of diabetes, and education status were found to affect self-management perception in diabetes and risk perception of complications in diabetes. In conclusion, in order to minimize the complications of diabetes, diabetes self-management perception and risk perception of diabetes complications should be high. Diabetes self-management perception and diabetes complications risk perception are influenced by education, age, duration of diabetes, anxiety and optimism. In order to ensure successful diabetes self-management, it is thought that the content, duration and repetition of diabetes education given to individuals should be reviewed, this education should be given at certain intervals, and the individual should be evaluated psycho-socially and directed to receive professional support to manage their anxiety.
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