A Systematic Review on The Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Alcohol Substance Abuse

Alcohol addiction, substance abuse, cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapyAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of cognitive behavioral therapy in people addicted to alcohol and substance abuse. The method of the study is systematic review. No scale or field studies were used. Turkish studies were used only, although the studies used were between the years of 2016-2020. Dec. The cognitive behavioral therapy approach used in the study aims to identify the phenomena that lead individuals to substance use and to change the negative behaviors and thoughts in use. In terms of addiction, it determines the main factors that push an individual to alcohol substance use as the main goal, and in this negative situation in which a person is in, the conditions that cause an individual to drift down this path are identified and it tries to change this situation. When the literature review was conducted, it was seen that cognitive behavioral therapy was effective at the point of treatment when looking at the studies. The studies carried out support each other at this point. In the studies carried out, different cases have been observed at a single point in treatment. The study also states that cognitive behavioral therapy is effective, but the gains gained in therapy are weakened and insufficient later on after the therapy. Different studies have been evaluated in this direction for the post-treatment period. The therapeutic approach in this study can be applied in the form of both individual and group therapy. It has been said that the approach is effective in these two aspects. It was found that it is effective for individuals who are in a group to be close to each other at a similar level of dependence. It is possible to say that cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the approaches in which group therapies are at the forefront in addiction. It has been proposed to conduct more research on such studies in our country.
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