Removal of Ni (II) from Aqueous Solutions by Bionanocomposite Produced from Waste Almond Shell

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Bionanocomposite, adsorption, cadmium, pseudo-second order kinetic model


One of the efficient methods of heavy metal removal is adsorption. A wide variety of nanocomposites are used as adsorbents for heavy metal removal and can provide unique advantages. The main purpose of this article is to focus on the removal of heavy metals in wastewater by obtaining environmentally friendly biocomposite materials that can be biodegraded in case of waste. Almond shell and clay nanocomposite were used as adsorbent in the study. For the characterization of the bionanocomposite; XRD, SEM-EDX, TGA analyzes were made. Parameters affecting adsorption such as temperature, amount of adsorbent, pH and velocity were investigated. The obtained data were applied to PSO, PFO, Elovich and Weber-Morris adsorption kinetic models. The adsorption capacities on the composite are respectively for 298, 308 and 313 K temperatures;4.440, 13.495 and 14.288 mgg-1 were obtained as NI. It has been understood that the data obtained at different temperatures mostly fit the PSO adsorption kinetic model. The composite used in the study was preferred because it was both inexpensive and easy to obtain.


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How to Cite

ONURSAL, N. (2023). Removal of Ni (II) from Aqueous Solutions by Bionanocomposite Produced from Waste Almond Shell. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2), 391–402.


