Identification of “Natural Protected Environments with Qualifications” By CBS Method; A Case Study Of Izmir City, Çeşme District (Turkey)

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Natural protected areas, Cesme peninsula, Natural protected


The efforts to increase the number of protected areas and the importance given to environmental awareness have increased noticeably all over the world. The classification of natural protected areas in Turkey is based on the law. This paper examines the determination of natural protected environments. According to the Resolution of Natural Protected Areas dated 2017 by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning in Turkey, natural protected environments are divided into the following three categories: “Critical Environments Under the Protection of Law”, “Natural Protected Environments with Qualifications” and “Sustainable Protection and Controlled Environments”. The study aims to evaluate the 99 polygons of natural protected areas that were determined by the Conservation Council of the Ministry of Environment. The paper solely studies the determination method for “Natural Protected Environments with Qualifications”. The borders of polygons that were determined by the Conservation Council of the Ministry of Environment were generated based on the up-to-date land-use images taken from the Ikonos satellite in 2020. “Natural Protected Environments with Qualifications” were determined in accordance with the charts that define the landscape specifications such as “Land-Use”, “Organic Natural Landscape”, “Inorganic Natural Landscape”, “Socio-economic Value”, “Aesthetics Value” and “Sensitivity”. Therefore, each polygon was evaluated separately based on “landscape specifications” and mapped as “Natural Protected Environments with Qualifications”.


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How to Cite

ANKAYA, F., & ÖZEN, F. (2023). Identification of “Natural Protected Environments with Qualifications” By CBS Method; A Case Study Of Izmir City, Çeşme District (Turkey). MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2), 336–355.


