Application and Analysis of HACCP System in Different Food Manufacturıng Companies, Gaziantep Provınce Example

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HACCP, food business, food safety


This study was carried out in order to obtain data about the HACCP practices of small-medium-sized food businesses operating in Gaziantep Province and the knowledge levels of institution managers. For this purpose, a cross-sectional questionnaire was applied to the managers of 50 small-medium-sized food businesses operating in Gaziantep Province between 10 May 2022 – 08 August 2022. Questionnaire interviews were conducted using the face-to-face interview technique. Kruksal Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were used in the statistical analysis of the data. In this study, the total score of companies’ HACCP applications was found the highest level (70 points) in the hotel and cafe companies, lower level (68,5 points) in restaurants, and the lowest level (65 points) in dessert and pastry companies. While there was no statistically significant relationship between the demographic characteristics of the managers and total scores of the HACCP in the restaurants, hotel-cafe companies (p>0,05), in dessert and pastry companies; a significant correlation was found between age and experience of them and the total score obtained (p=0.050, p=0.043, respectively). While 82% of the total 50 companies have adequate knowledge of the HACCP system, 18% of them did not have sufficient knowledge about it. It was determined that 80% of the companies applied the HACCP system and 20% of them encountered some problems in practice despite knowing the system. Finally, the application level of the HACCP system for the food manufacturing companies operating in Gaziantep province was at an average level; regular training activities should be carried out for its development, and necessary professional support should be provided for the elimination of infrastructure deficiencies and ISO: 22000: 2018 accreditation.


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How to Cite

TERKURAN, M., & YILDIZ, N. S. (2023). Application and Analysis of HACCP System in Different Food Manufacturıng Companies, Gaziantep Provınce Example. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2), 307–319.


