Performance of Some European Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Varieties in Terms of Yield Criteria

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Adaptation, Cannabis sativa L., Hemp, fiber yield, seed yield


This study was carried out to determine some yield and yield characteristics of hemp varieties. The research was carried out in the experimental area of Yozgat Bozok University in 2020 and 2021. Fedora 17, Ferimon, Futura 75, Santhica 27, Finola and USO 31 cannabis varieties were used as plant material in the study. The experiment was carried out according to the Random Blocks Trial Design with 3 replications. In the study, plant height, technical stem length, stem diameter, biomass yield, dry stem yield, fiber yield and seed yield were investigated. Significant differences were found between genotypes in the characteristics examined, and according to the average results of the two years, plant height values were 84.25-175.22 cm, technical stem length 60.85-123.75 cm, stem diameter 6.35-8.92 mm, biomass yield 7916.6-18833.3 kg ha-1, dry the stem yield was determined as 1326.8-5988.0 kg ha-1, the fiber yield as 354.8-2052.1 kg ha-1, the seed yield as 1309.0-2178.6 kg ha-1. As a result, better results were obtained for Futura 75 and Santhica 27 for fiber yield, and Fedora 17 and Ferimon for seed yield in Yozgat ecological conditions.


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How to Cite

YILMAZ, G., YAZİCİ, L., YILDIRIM, C., KOÇER, T., & USKUTOĞLU, T. (2023). Performance of Some European Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Varieties in Terms of Yield Criteria. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(1), 7–15.


