Investigation of The Possibilities of Using The Wastewater of Kırklareli Region in Agriculture

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Wastewater, domestic waste, industrial waste, water quality, water pollution, reuse


Water is a vital resource for the survival of all living things. In recent years, rapid population growth and the increase in industrial, urban and agricultural practices cause pollution and depletion of water resources. For this reason, it is very important to protect existing water resources and reuse waste water. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of some heavy metal parameters on the water quality of the wastewater of the stations determined in Kırklareli Stream and to reuse the wastewater in agriculture. Within this scope, 10 different stations were determined by considering the various characteristics of the stations selected on the Kırklareli Stream. Seasonal water samples were taken from each station between February and October 2018. Heavy metal analyzes were performed with an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) device. The results obtained from the study were determined according to the Classes of Inland Surface Water Resources (CPCB) in the Water Pollution Control Regulation. According to this; Differently from other heavy metal parameters, the mercury (Hg) parameter of Kırklareli stream water samples is seasonal and station-based. class, Lead (Pb) and Manganese (Mn) II. determined to be of class quality. Analysis of variance, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation analysis were performed in a repeated measurement experiment on the measurement values of water samples. Significant differences and relationships between parameters were determined statistically.


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How to Cite

GÜLOCAK, H., & KIYMAZ, S. (2022). Investigation of The Possibilities of Using The Wastewater of Kırklareli Region in Agriculture. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(Özel Sayı), 1121–1131.


