Projection of The Sustainable Agriculture Practices in Diyarbakır
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Diyarbakır, organic farming, good farmingAbstract
The rapidly increasing population all over the world has brought with it the problem of insufficient food. As a solution to this problem, it has turned to conventional agriculture in order to obtain more efficiency from the unit area in the world, including our country. However, the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides with conventional farming methods not only threatens human health, but also pollutes soil and water and has intense negative effects on the natural environment. Against these negativities caused by conventional agriculture, many countries, especially developed countries, have turned to sustainable agricultural methods that are innovative, do not harm people and nature, and allow healthy products to be produced and consumed. Sustainable farming methods were started in 2007 in Turkey and showed significant developments especially after 2013. While the number of provinces with good agricultural practices was 18 in 2007, it increased to 63 in 2021. In Turkey, in 2021, the region with the most good agricultural practice was the Southeast Anatolia Region. The provinces of the GAP Region meets 16367.57 ha of the total organic production area of 351.919 ha and 83257.24 tonnes of the total organic production of 1.590.086 tonnes. Diyarbakir has 119 organic farmers, 269.386 ha production area, 0 ha natural production area, 0 ha fallow area, 269.386 ha total production area and 362,9222 tons of organic production. In this context, Dicle University facilitated the development of cooperation between Diyarbakır Food, Agriculture and Livestock Provincial and District Directorates, GAP Regional Development Administration, Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality, GAP Agricultural Research and Training Center, Producer Unions and Private Sector Organizations. Thanks to this cooperation, many producers will have information and units about sustainable farming methods. In addition, it will be possible to realize and implement innovative agricultural methods.
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