Determination of In Vitro Mini Tuber Yield of Potato Clones Obtained By Crossing

Potato clone, meristem culture, nod culture, mini tuberAbstract
The study was conducted in the tissue culture laboratory and seed potato production of the Field Crops Department of Agricultural Faculty of the Ege University in 2018-2019. Fifteen potato clones obtained by crossing and 3 control group potatoes were used as genetic material in the study. These genetic materials were taken into meristem culture in vitro conditions, and in vitro plantlets were obtained by increasing with node culture. After acclimatization the greenhouse trial was arranged with the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications and mini tuber yield were compared in vitro plantlets. There were significant differences between potato clones yield characteristic in greenhouse conditions. The highest mean for tuber number was obtained Clone 6/7 (5.3), Clone 154 (5.0) and Clone 160 with 5.0 cm. Clone 195 had the highest mean in terms of single tuber weight (8.7) and Clone 90 had the highest mean for single plant yield and tuber width. Clone 185 had the highest mean in terms of tuber length as 2.8 cm. The mini tubers obtained in the greenhouse experiment were growing in the seedbed trial with the Random Blocks Design with 2 replications and yield performances were compared for potato clones. There were significant differences between potato clones yield characteristic in seedbed trials. For tuber number, Clone 13 and Clone 177 had the highest mean with 10.8. Clone 184 had the highest mean for single tuber weight as 56.4 g. In terms of tuber yield and plot yield, Clone 154 was found to be the highest mean with 500.5 g and 2.5 kg, respectively. Clone 122 (5.0 cm) in tuber width and Clone 194 (5.6 cm) tuber length were the highest. In this study, genetic stocks of potato clones developed by meristem culture in vitro conditions and disease free mini tubers obtained from this stocks can be evaluated in breeding programs with field yield trials.
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