Preparing The Interface Program For Controlling 5 Degree of Freedom Welding Robot With The Xbox 360 Pc Wireless Joystick

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Joystick, Microsoft Visual Studio C#, interface, robotic weldin


In this study, an interface software was prepared in Microsoft Visual Studio C# 2010 editor for the control of a five-axis welding robot, and a program block was prepared to use the PC Compatible Microsoft Xbox 360 Pc Wireless Joystick in this software. With this software, the welding application can be controlled remotely, and the Joystick welding robot used has been transformed into a hand terminal. For this, the drivers required for the Xbox 360 Wireless Joystick and its receiver were first installed on the computer, and the libraries required in the Microsoft Visual Studio C# program were also added to the prepared interface. In this interface, which was prepared later, the code blocks for the buttons to be used on the joystick for the welding application and welding robot were prepared in the C # editor. With these code blocks, some of the buttons used on the joystick and the robot's X, Y, Z, A and B elements can be moved with a remote control. In addition, some of these buttons can perform actions such as turning the welding machine on and off, recording the movement coordinates, stopping and starting the robot, and emergency stop. With the use of joysticks in robotic welding applications, the health of the welder is protected and the costs are considerably reduced compared to other hand terminals used. In addition, it is aimed to bring innovation and contribute to the technology of our country with the nationality of the software.



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How to Cite

GÜNDOĞAN, N., & DOĞAN, C. (2022). Preparing The Interface Program For Controlling 5 Degree of Freedom Welding Robot With The Xbox 360 Pc Wireless Joystick. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(3), 805–815.


