Echocardiographic Evaluation In Golden Retrievers With Acute Heart Failure Summary

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Echocardiography, heart diseases, dog


The study was created from Golden Retriever dogs of different ages, sexes and weights, who came to veterinary hospitals and clinics urgently. As a result of echocardiographic examination, symptoms of heart disease were found in the patients. Echocardiographic examination is a good method to distinguish chest pain, cough, respiratory failure, and irregular heart rhythm. Echocardiography helps us to provide the necessary preliminary information in the diagnosis of heart diseases. According to the results obtained, it was determined that mitral valve insufficiency is the most common heart disease in dogs. In order to diagnose heart failure, echocardiography should be preferred together with the experience, knowledge and skills of the person performing it.


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How to Cite

TOKER, M. (2022). Echocardiographic Evaluation In Golden Retrievers With Acute Heart Failure Summary. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(3), 781–787.


