Evaluation of Red Pepper Waste as Silage

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Fermentation, red pepper, silage


This study was carried out to determine the effect of pepper waste silage prepared by adding various additives on silage quality parameters. In the study, pure pepper waste silage constituted the control group, while pepper wastes were 1% molasses, 2% molasses, 4% molasses, 5% straw, 10% straw, 15% straw, 1% molasses + 5% straw, 1% molasses + 10% straw,% Groups with 1 molasses + 15% straw, 2% molasses + 5% straw, 2% molasses + 10% straw, 2% molasses + 15% straw, 4% molasses + 5% straw, 4% molasses + 10% straw and 4% molasses + 15% straw additives formed the experimental groups. The silages were opened at the end of the 60day fermentation period and the raw nutrient compositions and fermentation products were determined. When the effects of pepper waste prepared by adding various additives on the nutrient value of silages were examined, the highest B + 4% M + 15% S group among the dry matter, values ​​was obtained from silage. Among the crude ash values, the highest B + 15% SHP was obtained from silage. When the pH, NH3-N/TN, CO2 and flieg scores of the silages were evaluated, the differences between the groups were found to be statistically significant. The lowest pH value of the silages of pepper waste prepared by adding various additives was obtained from B+4% M+ 5S group silage. When the NH3-N/TN values ​​of the silages were examined, the lowest 20.07% NH3-N/TN) was obtained from B+4% M+ 5%S silage. When the results of the study were examined, it was determined that the addition of straw and molasses additives to the pepper silage with low dry matter content improved the silage fermentation properties, and a quality silage was obtained with 4% molasses and 5% straw additives to the pepper silage.


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How to Cite

DOĞAN DAŞ, B., KIRAR, N. ., TOP, Şermin, DAŞ, A., BUDAK, D., KAHRAMAN, M., & AVCI, M. (2022). Evaluation of Red Pepper Waste as Silage. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(2), 487–494. https://doi.org/10.52520/masjaps.v7i2id199


