The Effects Of Chemical Fertilizer And Rhisobacterial (Pgpr) Combinations On Yield And Yield Properties In Barley Varieties
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Cereals, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), chemical fertilizationAbstract
This research was carried out to determine the effects of some chemical fertilizers and plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR: Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subttilis, Lactococcus spp.) combinations on yield and yield components of five barley cultivars (Tarm, Beysehir, Konevi, Karatay and Kral). The research was carried out according to the randomized blocks in split plot design with three replications in the 2017-2018 vegetation period. Tarm cultivar had the highest values such as grain yield (423 kg/da), total yield (1748 kg/da), number of spikes per square meter (569.17), spike length (17.01) and 1000 grain weight (51.33 g). Kral cultivar had the lowest values in grain yield, total yield, spike maturation time, number of spike per square meter, plant height, spike length and 1000 grain weight. 100+B application (10 kg/da DAP with sowing; 6.2 kg N/da + PGPR before stepping in spring) had the highest grain yield, total yield, spike maturation time and plant height values. It has been determined that the winter sowing time has a restrictive effect on the PGPR effect, therefore, barley planting in the early winter sowing period will be more beneficial on the PGPR effect.
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