Investigation of Some Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes In Terms of Morphological, Physiological, Yield And Quality In Bed Planting System

Bread wheat, Bagasse yield, bed planting, genotypAbstract
The Covid-19 virus epidemic, which has been seen all over the world since 2019, has clearly shown how important wheat production is, like the production of many plants in human nutrition. In this process, it has been observed that countries have difficulties in meeting the necessary basic needs of their own citizens and cannot meet the demand, and it is aimed to meet the food needs by increasing plant production in order to take precautions against such worldwide epidemics. In this study, some bread wheat genotypes (local genotypes, commercial varieties, CIMMYT lines and Dicle University Faculty of Agriculture lines); In the bed planting system, it is aimed to achieve maximum yield and quality with supportive irrigation and increased fertilization. In SPAD measurements, the genotype with the highest value was DZE-7 (60.93), while the genotype with the lowest value was YE-47 (42.92). The genotype with the highest value in terms of normalized vegetation index (NDVI) was observed in Avaric with 0.82 and the lowest value with 0.62 in Sagittario genotypes. In terms of number of days to head, the earliest was 14 STEMRRSN 6037 genotype with 138.7 days, while the latest was DZE-3 genotype with 162.56 days. While the genotype with the highest value was YE-98 with 557.71 spikes/m2, the genotype with the lowest value was YE-68 with 239.67 spikes/m2. While the genotype with the highest grain yield was obtained from the DZE-3 genotype with 375.74 kg/da, the lowest value was found in the Beşköprü genotype with 89.43 kg/da. While the genotype with the highest protein ratio value was obtained from the YE-98 genotype with 19.37%, the lowest value was found in 13 STEMRRSN 6024 genotypes with 13.13%, and the genotype with the highest wet gluten ratio value was YE-98 with 43.36%. while the lowest value was determined with 29.4% in 13 STEMRRSN 6024 genotypes.
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