Some Natural and Weeds Used for Food and Folk Medicine in Eruh District of Siirt/Turkey

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  • Mesut SIRRI Siirt Üniversitesi, Kurtalan Meslek Yüksekokulu, Bitkisel ve Hayvansal Üretim Bölümü, Siirt
  • Cumali ÖZASLAN Dicle Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Diyarbakır
  • Mehmet FİDAN Siirt Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, Siirt



Ethnobotany, weed, wild plant, Eruh, Siirt


The wild plants and weeds that are collected and used by local people from natural and agricultural areas have been determined and their usage patterns in the region have been revealed. In the study, face-to-face interviews were held with the local people in 2019-2020, interviews were made with experienced people and plant collectors and field surveys were carried out together, and local bazaars and herbalists were visited in the district.  In addition, information was exchanged with public institutions on the subject. As a result of the study, 37 plant species are consumed as food and used for medicinal purposes belonging to 22 families were identified in the region. The general characteristics of the collected plants, the collected plant parts, the time of collection, the ways of utilization and consumption etc were summarized. It has also been observed that the frequency and density of some plant species such as Gundelia tournefortii L. var. tournefortiiRheum ribes L., Allium kharputense Freyn & Sint. and Allium vineale L. gradually decreased due to excessive and unconscious collecting in the region. Therefore, it has been concluded that there is an urgent need for education activities in order to benefit and protect the plant diversity in the region in a sustainable way.



How to Cite

SIRRI, M., ÖZASLAN, C., & FİDAN, M. (2021). Some Natural and Weeds Used for Food and Folk Medicine in Eruh District of Siirt/Turkey. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(Özel Sayı), 1118–1129.


