Determination of Nurses' Site Preference and Reasons For Intramuscular Injection in Gluteal Region: A Descriptive, Cross-Sectional Study

Nursing, ıntramuscular ınjection, dorsogluteal site, ventrogluteal siteAbstract
Studies show that the ventrogluteal site is safer for intramuscular injection in the gluteal region, but nurses prefer this site less. The aim of this study was to determine the preferred site in the gluteal region for intramuscular injection and the reasons for preference. This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a University hospital. The study's sample consisted of 130 nurses. The data were collected with a questionnaire form and evaluated using number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation calculations. It was determined that 62.3% of the nurses preferred to use the dorsogluteal site, 5.4% to use the ventrogluteal site, and 32.3% to use both sites for intramuscular injection. The reasons for the nurses' preference for the dorsogluteal site were determined as a habit, mandatory position, obesity, patient's desire, cachexia, being a safe site, ease of application, and receiving training only on this site. The reasons for choosing the ventrogluteal site were determined as patient desire, obesity, forced position, more reliability, habit, cachexia, less risky, and less painful, respectively.
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