Mapping Environmental Noise from Road Transportation Using SoundPLAN: The Case of Harran University Osmanbey Campus

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Enviromental noise, noise pollution, sound level measurement, university campus


Noise pollution is a critical environmental problem that negatively affects human health and quality of life. It is particularly significant in educational environments, where excessive noise can impair students’ learning abilities, concentration, and overall academic performance. This study evaluates noise pollution on the Osmanbey Campus of Harran University, with a specific focus on traffic-related noise levels. Measurements were conducted at 11 key points during the Ld (07:00–19:00), Le (19:00–23:00), and Ln (23:00–07:00) periods. The SoundPlan 7.4 model was used to generate noise maps and analyze the distribution of environmental noise across the campus. Road traffic was identified as the main source of noise, especially in areas with high vehicle density, such as intersections and bus stops. The results determined that noise levels on campus exceeded the thresholds established by the WHO across all periods. The highest noise level was recorded at Point 2 during the day (74.90 dBA), a busy area with frequent bus activity and human movement. The lowest level, measured at Point 5 during the night (56.40 dBA), was in a quieter area near the Faculty of Sports Sciences but still slightly above the recommended nighttime limits. These findings underscore the importance of addressing noise pollution, particularly in educational settings, to support a conducive learning environment. Suggested mitigation strategies include traffic management, acoustic landscaping, and continuous noise monitoring. Additionally, promoting sustainable transportation options, such as cycling can contribute to reducing noise levels and fostering a healthier campus atmosphere.


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How to Cite

RASTGELDİ DOGAN , T., KARAKUŞ , C. B., & SUZERGOZ , A. (2024). Mapping Environmental Noise from Road Transportation Using SoundPLAN: The Case of Harran University Osmanbey Campus. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(4), 1130–1145.


