The Comparison Yield Performance of Chickpea Genotypes Grown in Different Locations by the GGE Biplot Method

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), GGE biplot, Genotype × Environment interaction, yield performance, cluster analysisAbstract
G×E interaction is critical for understanding how genetic and environmental factors affect plant performance, and this interaction is essential for developing more efficient and adaptive genotypes in plant breeding. In study, The GGE biplot analysis played a crucial role in determining effects on the yield performance of genotype × environment (G×E) interactions and comparing the stability and adaptability of genotypes in Diyarbakir and Kiziltepe. Additionally, cluster analysis was performed using the Ward method, which grouped the genotypes based on yield similarities and identified distinct groups adapted to different environmental conditions. The experiments were arranged by the factorial experimental design with four replications in each environment during the summer seasons of 2015 and 2016.Consequently, the significant differences were determined between genotypes and locations and their interactions. GGE biplot analysis found that the variations in the yield performance of genotypes were caused by 81.24% by the first principal component (PC1) and 18.76% by the second principal component (PC2). FLIP98-206C and FLIP98-143C genotypes were shown high yield potential and stability. In contrast, genotypes D1-3 and Azkan exhibited lower stability and yield performance. Therefore, the high-yielding and broadly adapted genotypes must be prioritized for experiments in regions Diyarbakir and Kiziltepe. However, narrower target regions must be identified for low-performing genotypes and large-scale experiments in these regions should be conducted to understand the long-term yield and stability performance of high-yielding genotypes.
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