Investigation of Hemocyte Types in Lepisma saccharina

Hemolymph, insect, prohemocyte, plasmatocyte, granulocyte, oenocytoidAbstract
Hemocytes are specialized hemolymph cells found in insects, responsible for a variety of important physiological functions such as immunity, wound healing, and the regulation of the insect's circulatory system. The study of insect hemocytes has become increasingly important in recent years due to the emergence of insect-borne diseases and the need to develop new strategies for insect control. Understanding the biology of insect hemocytes has the potential to lead to the development of novel insecticides and strategies for controlling insect-borne diseases. The aim of this study was to examine the hemocytes in Lepisma saccharina to determine if there were any variations in the types of hemocytes present among ametabolous and holometabolous insect or in comparison to other arthropods. Hemolymph of L. saccharina collected and hemolymph smears were stained with Wright’s stain. In adult L. saccharina two hemocyte types, prohemocyte and plasmatocyte were observed. The hemocyte types were identified based on their size, presence or absence of granules, and the ratio of their nucleus to cytoplasm, using light microscopy.
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