Effects of Different Tillage and Herbiside Applications on Weed Control and Yield in the Double Crop Maize Agriculture

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Double crop maize, tillage, herbicide, weed, yield


The aim of this study was to determine how different tillage systems and herbicide application impact weed density and grain yield in the double crop maize (Zea mays L.)  agriculture after barley. For this purpose, a two-years field trial was carried out in the experemental areas at Agriculture Faculty, Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Turkiye in the 2022-23 growing season, comparing different soil tillage methods [conventional tillage (mouldboard plough+cultivator), reduced tillage (disc harrow) and no-tillage] and herbicide applications [pre-emergence, post-emergence, pre-emergence + post-emergence, weed-free control, weedy control]. In the experiments carried out with three replications according to the split plot design in randomized blocks, the main plots were composed of soil tillage methods and the sub-plots were composed of herbicide applications.  The results of the study indicated that while different soil tillage methods had no effect on both weed density and the grain yield, herbicide applications significantly affected them. Both pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide application significantly reduced the weed density and biomass.





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How to Cite

ÇİFTÇİ TORUN , Ümran, GÜRSOY , S., & ÖZASLAN , C. (2024). Effects of Different Tillage and Herbiside Applications on Weed Control and Yield in the Double Crop Maize Agriculture. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(4), 1016–1029. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14313234


