Development of the Emotionally Motivated Impulsive Behaviour Scale (EMIBBS): Validity and Reliability Study

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Assessment,, emotional impulsivity,, instrument development, reliability,, validity.


This study aimed to develop a scale to assess emotionally driven impulsive behaviors and evaluate its psychometric properties. The scale development process consisted of three stages: item generation, assessment of content and face validity, and evaluation of psychometric properties. The scale was tested with 226 participants. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to examine its factor structure. The analyses revealed a scale comprising 17 items and three sub-dimensions: ‘urgency,’ ‘thrill-seeking,’ and ‘acting without sufficient thought,’ consistent with existing literature. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results indicated a good model-data fit. The overall Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.894, suggesting that the Emotionally Motivated Impulsive Behaviour Scale is a valid and reliable psychometric tool for use in Turkish society.




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How to Cite

ÖZGÜN ÖZTÜRK, F. (2024). Development of the Emotionally Motivated Impulsive Behaviour Scale (EMIBBS): Validity and Reliability Study. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(Özel Sayı), 766–777.


