Evaluation of Yield, Quality and Physiological Traits of Triticale Genotypes in Irrigated Conditions

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SPAD, NDVI, grain yield, protein content


This study aimed to evaluate the yield quality and physiological traits of triticale genotypes (ADAY-8, DZ9-01-02, TBT6-11 and ESIN) in 2022-2023 production season in Diyarbakır, Türkiye. The field experiment was established according to the randomized complete blocks design with three replications. Heading time, plant height, thousand-kernel weight, grain yield, protein content, starch content, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), and SPAD (Flag leaf chlorophyll content) values are investigated traits on the study. The findings of the study demonstrated that there were statistically significant variations among the genotypes, with the exception of protein and starch content in relation to the examined traits. The DZ9-01-02 (1059.0 kg ha-1) and TBT6-11 (1049.7 kg ha-1) advanced lines exhibited the highest grain yield values. Conversely, the ADAY-8 and DZ9-01-02 advance lines were found to have earlier heading time, suggesting that these lines may offer a potential advantage in varying environmental conditions. SPAD values were generally found to be high, which indicated that triticale lines had high chlorophyll content during the heading stage. As a result, DZ9-01-02 and TBT6-11 genotypes can be evaluated as variety candidates for further breeding programs.  Further research and testing should be conducted to determine the overall performance and adaptability of these varieties in various environmental conditions.


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How to Cite

KIZILGEÇİ, F., LEVENT, A., ELİŞ, S., & YILDIRIM, M. (2024). Evaluation of Yield, Quality and Physiological Traits of Triticale Genotypes in Irrigated Conditions. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(Özel Sayı), 778–785. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13910806


