Tobacco Seedling Cultivation with Float Tray System

Float tray system, tobacco seedling, tray, conventional methodAbstract
This article examines existing studies related to the float tray system for tobacco seedling cultivation and evaluates the findings obtained. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the essential information required to achieve high-quality tobacco seedlings, based on the principles and benefits of the Float Tray system. The research compares conventional methods with float tray technology across various attributes, identifying that the float system exhibits superior performance in the examined parameters. Additionally, the study compares two application methods of the float system—seedling cultivation in floating trays in greenhouses and in water tunnels under cover—across multiple characteristics. The study aims to assess the impact of Float technology on tobacco seedling cultivation throughout the plant's seedling and field growth stages, evaluating parameters such as root volume, root length, stem development, productivity, germination rate, seedling survival or mortality rate, the number of plants per unit area, and the uniformity of seedlings. Another significant aspect of the research is the comparison of various characteristics of trays, which are fundamental components of the float system. These characteristics include material, depth, volume, and number of cells, with an assessment of their advantages and disadvantages. The study also evaluates how these features affect factors such as dry cell count, germination rate, spiral root formation, usable seedling ratio, root volume, stem diameter, and growth conditions in the field.
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