Determination of Boron Contents of Arsuz Plain Soils and Mapping with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

GIS (geographic information systems), arsuz plain, boron, soil propertiesAbstract
In this study, boron contents and the properties of soils in the Arsuz plain were determined, and distribution maps of these properties were made using Geostatistical methods. In the study, 46 soil samples were collected from 0-30 depth in Arsuz plain soils. In the samples that were taken from soils, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter (OM), lime, texture (sand, silt, and clay), and air-dried water content were analyzed using standard methods. In addition, the geographical coordinates of the sampling points were determined by GPS. Descriptive statistics (mean, median, minimum, maximum, etc.) were applied for all parameters. Correlation analyses were made to reveal the relationships between the boron content and the soil properties. Geostatistical methods were used to determine and map spatial variations of the soil properties in the Arsuz Plain. The mean B, pH, EC, lime, OM, sand, silt, clay, and MC values were found to be 0.23 mg kg-1, 7.58, 672.4 µS cm-1, 17.75 %, 2.01 %, 16.7 %, 37.3 %, 45.9 %, and 4.15 %, respectively. The most suitable semivariogram model was determined as Guassian and exponential in most of the soils. All soil samples showed strong and moderate spatial dependence. The maximum distances (A0) to which soil properties can be related varied between 200-2110 m.
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