Effect of Aromatic Drinking Water on Water Consumption and Performance in Male Calves

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Aromatic drinking water, water consumption, performance, orange juice, calf


This research examined the effects of aromatic drinking water (orange juice) on water consumption and performance in calves. The findings indicated that some calves in the experimental group had high fecal scores, suggesting the presence of gastrointestinal disturbances. However, this condition did not adversely affect weight gain, and the overall growth performance of the calves was observed to be good. This indicates that the feeding program was successful and that the health status of the calves tended to improve. Analyzing the water consumption data, it was found that the calves in the experimental group generally consumed sufficient amounts of water and showed no significant irregularities in water intake. Although no direct relationship was observed between water consumption and fecal scores, it was noted that water consumption was generally stable and that the calves met their hydration needs. In conclusion, the health status of the calves in the experimental group was generally good, and the feeding program was deemed effective.


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How to Cite

BÜYÜKCAN, F. (2024). Effect of Aromatic Drinking Water on Water Consumption and Performance in Male Calves. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 444–458. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12167483


