Literature Review of Studies Conducted in the Field of Renewable Energy Resources and Green Finance

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Energy, renewable energy, green finance, review


Energy can be roughly defined as the ability to do work. Energy sources; It is divided into two: renewable energy resources and non-renewable energy resources. Non-renewable energy sources cannot be used again once used. Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) are non-renewable energy sources. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, which are non-renewable energy sources, maintain their popularity because they provide energy quickly and in large amounts and are widely used. However, emissions from fossil fuels cause climate change by creating a greenhouse effect. Renewable energy sources (solar energy, biomass energy, hydroelectric energy, etc.) are the energy sources of the future due to their reusability, sustainability, affordable price, accessibility and, most importantly, environmental friendliness. Fossil fuels have been used as the primary energy source for many years. For this reason, it does not seem possible for fossil fuel use to be suddenly replaced by renewable resources. The most important criteria for this transformation and change, which will take time, are the ability to obtain financial resources and make the relevant investments. Green finance, which can be defined as all types of financing of renewable energy resources, is of vital importance at this point. Green finance is a finance model that offers investors the opportunity to invest in projects with environmental and social impacts by using financial instruments such as green bonds, green loans, and investment funds compatible with sustainable development goals. In this study, studies on renewable energy resources and green finance were examined. In the research, a literature review of studies using the keywords renewable energy resources and green finance was conducted between the years 2023-2024. The importance of renewable energy resources and green finance studies was emphasized and researchers were given advice and guidance on this subject.




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How to Cite

ŞAHİN, B., & ŞAHİN, Y. (2024). Literature Review of Studies Conducted in the Field of Renewable Energy Resources and Green Finance. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(2), 414–426.


